Sunday, October 19, 2008

Photo District News Article

The main topic of the article is talking about a workshop that Harvey Stein ran in New York. The workshop took people in their mid twenty's to retired people showing it was never to late to learn. The name of the workshop is “Coney Island: Day & Night”. He got them to take pictures at the amusement park and choose there one best and some other good ones. He looked through and found ones that had the same theme and decided they were so good he should make a show. although the show went well he said he still isn't gonna do it again. I think this subject is worthy of an article because it is telling the story of not one photographer but a whole class of photographers.

I found this article very interesting because i was recently just in New York and I never got to see that part of he city but just the author talking about what they did gives me a sense of what it probably looks like. Also I found this article not to be extremely inspirational but it did give me some inspiration because they are taking pictures of "the last funky place in New York" so maybe I could do the same but in Toronto.

Reading this article gave me the idea of photographing more man-made mechanical like things because they talked about amusement parks which made me think of roller coasters. I think I am drawn to this particular type of photography because of the day and age I have grown up in forces us to be around high tech gadgets but I want to see the more old fashion steel and gears.

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